Thursday, December 16, 2010

Life is good...

I do not like snow.
I do not like snow here, there or anywhere.
If snow had a Facebook account, I would never 'like' it nor would I ever 'suggest to friends' because that would be just plain mean.
However, the kidlets are now old enough to play in the snow on their own without an 'adult' outside with them. I keep a 'quilt-in-progress' in the living room and work on it it while watching them through the window.  They get to play and I get to stay warm and cozy.
Life is good...

(ps...yes,  the candles on the table are sitting in a loaf pan. After having started a fire (yup the kind with flames and people screaming and shouting) while living in Yellowknife, I keep candles in objects which can withstand heat and where the wax won't 'accidentaly' leak over!

Hoping it's sunny wherever you are!


  1. I LOVE IT!!!! Last year I took pics of the girls building their very first snowman from inside the house! I hate the snow. Its pretty I will give you that...but that's all you get :)

  2. Your little corner of happiness and warmth looks like a nice place to be on a snowy day.
    FIRE!!!! that is always scary glad you were all safe.
    I hear you about winter, We had our Dear Grandchildren here - 3 and 5 years old, It takes longer to dress them for the snow than it does for them to be tired of playing in it. :)

  3. that living room looks so inviting... a cup of java and good conversation... i'll be right over ;-)


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