Friday, December 10, 2010

A Gabry Road Fan Page Prize!

Are you a fan of Gabry Road yet? If not, now is a good time to become a fan.  The wonderful Tanya (owner and founder of Let's Capture Our Memories) has graciously offered a $20.00 gift certificate and you can win this by simply becoming a fan of Gabry Road on Facebook! Simply 'like' Gabry Road and leave a comment and on December 12, 2010, one lucky comment will win the gift certificate to LCOM

And yes, November came and went real fast. We had so hoped to launch Gabry Road in November but it looks like it will be a few more weeks. For those who are unsure of what Gabry Road is all about and to answer some of the more popular questions we have received about Gabry Road, here's what it's all about:

Gabry Road was initiated to provide Canadians with a safe, secure, reliable and comfortable place to buy and sell Canadian handmade, vintage and unique goods without having to experience the hassle of duty, currency exchange rates, tariffs and delayed shipping.  Our goal at Gabry Road is to unite Canadian buyers with independent Canadian creators and artists to discover the very best in Canadian handmade, vintage and unique goods.
So, Gabry Road is a Canadian based, online marketplace where Canadian artists, designers and crafts people can sell their creations to Canadian buyers.
How did we come up with the name? Well, we wanted to have a more personal name but at the same time, something catchy and hopefully a name people will remember. 'Gabry' is a combination of the names of our children (Gabriel and Rylee). The 'Road' part worked well with Gabry and we also wanted a 'homey' feeling with the site. Eventually, we would love to hear people saying they found their wonderful and unique goodies on Gabry Road.
And why an online marketplace for Canadian artists? The greatest benefit of having previously owned and operated an online scrapboooking supply store is that we were able to discover so many gifted and talented Canadians.  We wanted to create a venue to showcase and celebrate the Canadian artists and designers and at the same time, create an easy, stress free venue for Canadian buyers and fans of handmade goods to purchase the items.  
We so welcome any questions you have about Gabry Road. Please do send us an email or leave a comment and we will definitely answer your questions. If you create and are interested in selling your creations on Gabry Road and perhaps need a bit more info, please do contact us!
Thanks for stoppin' by and hope you all have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. This is exciting, I hear you about time flying by. I am excited , How nice of Lets Capture our Memories!!! Love their Banner


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