Monday, November 29, 2010

My happy place...

While in between projects and while the studio is somewhat clean and neat, thought I'd share pics of my happy place with you.  Yes, I still have tons of stuff but remember, I did  own and operate an online scrapbooking supply store from this very same room and just like Christmas dinner, there were leftovers :) 

 Can you tell I love love love paper punches!
 I finally took the time to actually create labels for this cabinet. Up until a few months ago, I had to play hide and seek with the drawers to find what I was looking for.
It's a good thing Costco has such a great bakery and makes awesome loafs 'cause we never seem to be able to find the loaf pans when we need them :)

Thanks for stoppin' by and hope you have a great day!


  1. I love your craft space Rosa, everything (and I mean that litterally) at your fingertips :o) I will have to take photos of my craft space too (between projects as well)


  2. I love it! So much fun stuff, what a great way to be able to create! With all those yummy scrappy supplies at hand!

  3. Your place is amazing Rosa, no wonder you call it your happy place. Enjoy

  4. Your room is still so full and so inviting Rosa! I am jealous ;o). I love your room! Hope to see you soon!

  5. WOW you are some kinda organized. I have been waiting for these photos for a long time.
    Well done Rosa, looks wonderful.

  6. OK I pale in comparison...but I'm trying :)

  7. WOWZERS! i see lots of goodies in there ;-))

  8. Looks amazing!!! I LOVE how full it is!!!

  9. I wish I could skip work and come over to play at Rosa's!! It's awesome!

  10. Awesome!!! What a great space, Love it! You are so organized :)

  11. What an amazing - CREATIVE - space! With all those yummy goodies around, it's definitely a scrapbookers/cardmakers dream!


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