Sunday, January 2, 2011

A new year...

Hoping you all had a fabulous 'ringing in' of the new year!
I spent a bit of time browsing some incredibly fabulous blogs and the general theme from most is the announcement of the blog writers 'word' for the year. I have never considered a 'word' for the year in the past but decided that I too have a 'word' :
I chose the word 'do' for a few reasons. First,  I have a horrible tendency to put off 'doing' things I say that I will do. Simple things like calling friends I haven't spoken to in a long time. Or making things I bought the 'stuff' for moons ago but never start the intended project. The most heartfelt reason for chosing the word 'do' stems from an event which occurred over 10 years ago.
Pre-kids, Blair and I owned a bike, a Harley Davidson. We thoroughly loved the bike and especially the fact that the bike seemed to take us places we would never have ventured to with a car. However, once we bought our first home and found an equal joy in renovating, we had less time for the bike and decided to sell it. The first response to the 'bike for sale' ad come from a man in Vernon, BC. He met with us in North Vancouver and told us the story behind his desire to purchase a Harley. At the time we met him, I am thinking he was around 55 years old. I asked him why he wanted to buy the bike and this is the story he told us:
He had a friend whom he had been friends with since elementary school. Even though they each married and carried on with their own independent lives, they remained close friends, one of those friendships that passed the test of time and distance. This friend was apparently healthy and never had illnesses. However, one Saturday she became ill and the next day she passed away. After grieving, the man we met with decided that he would never again put off what he wanted to 'do' because he had learned, the hard and horrible way, tomorrow may not arrive. He had always wanted to own and ride a Harley and found no excuses not to. From the time of his friends death, he stopped believing in tomorrows and lived each day to the fullest.
I have never forgotten his story but at the same time and until just recently, I have not made the greatest effort to follow his philosophy.
So for this year, I am going to make a huge effort to make calls, send emails and complete projects. 
I will not save things for a 'special occasion'. 
I will invite friends over even if my house has some dust on the railings.
I will take my kids to fun places even if the weather is awful and I simply don't feel like it.
I will call my mom and dad more often, not just when I am folding laundry. 
I will entertain more often even if the window coverings  in the kitchen are not finished.
I will use that special paper for a layout because there will always be special paper. 
I will teach my daughter how to sew because I can finish my own projects when she is in school.
I will play road hockey with my son because there is Advil and Aleve in the medicine cabinet for the day after.
I will stay up later and watch a movie with my husband because some days, I will sleep in just because I really don't have to wake at 4:30 am every single morning.
I will make the best of all efforts to 'do' it and not put it off, whatever it may be, and find a myriad of excuses for why I did not.
So there's another first for me. I came up with a 'word' for the year. Going to count that as a 'do' or rather, did it :)
Wishing you a wonderful year filled with happiness and good health!
Thanks for stoppin' by!


  1. love it Rosa...Happy New Year.. here's to "do"ing lots this year!!! (maybe Rylee and I can take the same sewing class?)

  2. Isn't it amazing how people we meet in our lives can have such a profound effect on us? Thanks for the tears Rosa and cheers for you DOing EVERYTHING that you do, that makes you YOU!

  3. Happy New Year dear Rosa! You are so inspiring, thank you for your blog and for being such a wonderful person! I wish you good health, love and happiness. Hope to see you soon! xoxo

    PS: My Mom loves her new apron!

  4. That is a wonderful post Rosa!!!
    Wishing you and your family health and happiness in the New year and ever after

  5. Hey Rosa dear - love it. Just loved the story that went with your word...

    Just DO IT baby (ohhh that sounded a little dirty).

    Hopefully you DO plan to take a trip or two to Merrickville and we can meet up for an ice cream!!!

    All the best in 2011.

  6. Wow, just what I needed to read today!Thank you Rosa for those kind and profond words.Have a wonderful New Year!

  7. ROSA .. I LOVE this post! :) You can DO DO DO!

    Rachel :)

  8. your post is very inspiring!!! and I think it is very useful to most of us.... I will try and remember this as well in my day to day for 2011! :)

  9. What a lovely way to begin a New Year ... with a renewed passion to enjoy life and all it has to offer, including good friends & family! Best wishes for a wonderful 2011 to you & yours, Rosa!

  10. Rosa,

    This is so lovely and so true, I live it every day with Gord. Glad you are embracing it.
    You deserve all that fun time. Housework will always be there waiting; husband and children will not.

    Susan Poulin


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